Clothed in Scarlet


When I think of the color scarlet the first thing that comes to my mind is the Scarlet Letter.  Touted as one of the great works of literature and on the summer reading list for so many high school students.  The book explores sex, rumors, the status of women, and so much more.  But, today that word hit me differently.  I have been trying the SOAP method of Bible study.  I heard it from a friend who heard it from her pastor and I remember thinking, wow that's a great idea.  That was a WHILE ago.  I heard the term again the other day when listening to Louie Giglio do an interview about his new book, Don't Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table.  (Perhaps when I finish it'll I'll give it a review here.  Haven't done a book review, that might be fun.)  But, back to SOAP.  He mentioned that he studies the Bible this way and it reminded me of my friend's mention of it over a year ago, and I thought I should give it a try.  

For those of you who don't know what SOAP study is (I was like you just a few short days/years ago.)  It's an acronym to help you focus your study.

S- scripture

O- observation

A- application

P- prayer

Now, I have also been doing some interesting listening and reading on the Holy Spirit lately too.  We do not invite him into our study and prayer time nearly as often as we should.  We say we believe in the Trinity -- God in three persons God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.  Yet, I have found, in my own personal journey of faith, that I tend to focus on God the Father and God the Son.  I neglect the Holy Spirit.  Here's the problem with that.  The Holy Spirit is the action side of God most often.  He was sent to be our helper.  If we ignore him, then we are missing out on the active work of God in our lives.  

Anyway, that's just the tip of the iceberg on the Holy Spirit.  But I said all of that to say I have been making an effort to invite him into my study and prayer and whole life, in general, these days.  I want his help to understand the word and to live the word.  I can't do it on my own, ya know?

Now, back to scarlet.  I think due partly to Hawthorne, I think of this word with a bit of ill repute.  It was used to describe women of questionable moral fiber.  That's odd to think about because in a Biblical sense I think of scarlet being connected to the blood of Jesus.  It washes us clean.  Clean and questionable moral fiber don't really go together.  Thanks, Ol' Nate for making my thought processes even more confusing.

Let's just stick to the Bible's use of the word, shall we?

So I was SOAPing this morning on Proverbs 31:21.  I started reading Proverbs 29 because when I don't know where to start, I choose the Proverb with the same chapter number as the date.  But, the highlighting and underlining were more interesting in chapter 31. 

I was reading chapter 31 (which I have read numerous times in an effort to be the ideal wife, mother, sister, friend...the list goes on) and I got stuck on verse 21.  I've never gotten stuck there before.  Thank you Holy Spirit.  

"When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet." 

Seems pretty straightforward. What an odd place to get stuck.  I just kept reading it and reading it.  


Proverbs 31:21


I keep getting stuck on the word scarlet.  This is more than just nice clothes.  This is more than just a snowstorm.  This is more.  Women are called to more than just keeping their families fashionable and warm.  What if this proverb was pointing to the sacrificial love of Jesus before Jesus was even born?  Shouldn't we look at every scripture and see how it points to Jesus?


As a woman (not just wife and mother because women are so much more than just those two things) I have the ability and dare I say, responsibility to cover my family in the saving scarlet blood of Jesus.  That means I teach my family what the Holy Spirit shows me.  That means I pray for my family that the Holy Spirit would dwell in them and that they would have a relationship with God in all three persons.  I do this to protect them from the storms that are coming.  The storms that will leave us out in the cold so to speak.  When we feel alone and forgotten, that covering of the blood of Jesus in our lives will give us peace like nothing else can. 

I am determined to cover my family and all the people I love in the blood of Jesus.  I want to pray for them honestly. I want to share my faith with them in deep and yet sometimes uncomfortable ways.  I want to be a woman who sees the storms coming, and prepares. I don't want to be selfish and only protect myself, but I want to cover others from the cold and isolation that comes in the snowstorm.  


God, I pray that the Holy Spirit would fall on us now.  I pray that he would join us as we study and pray and seek your will Father, that we may understand where you are calling us to go.  I pray that we would cover our loved ones in the blood of Jesus.  I pray that you would send your Spirit on those today who are questioning their faith.  I pray that you would open their eyes and their hearts to your truth through the Holy Spirit.  I pray for everyone who will read these words, that they would be encouraged to continue to fight for their families.  To fight for their mothers and fathers, their brothers and sisters, their husbands and wives, their children and grandchildren, and their nieces and nephews.  Lord, I pray that we would know the power you give us as Your children to cover those we love.  We thank you for working through us today.  May we give you all the praise and glory.


I hope that you have been blessed so that you can be a blessing to someone else today.  Love you all so much.  
