For several days now I have found myself with a lot of leg pain. The first thought was that I'm not wearing the correct shoes while walking around the house. That would imply that I wear any shoes, but I digress. So, I tried wearing shoes during the day. Things continued to get worse. So, I finally broke down and decided to go to the doctor. I really don't like to go to the doctor, but I went anyway. She told me that I was having Sciatic Nerve Pain and that they would do a shot and meds and it would get better. She gave me some stretches to do and some exercises and I hoped that was it.
I imagined that as soon as she gave me the shot and I made it home that I would feel a ton better. The truth is that I still felt awful. I felt worse after the shot than I had any time before it. On top of that, I decided to get a flu shot while I was there. Bad choice I believe.
Upon finally making it to bed my arm was sore, I could barely move my leg. my head was throbbing, and I just wanted to sleep, but couldn't. I felt like I had been hit by a transfer truck. I just felt pitiful. 3:00 AM came around and my sweet dog Missy needed to go outside to do her business. Again I was in pain, couldn't sleep, and felt like I just wanted to cry.
Then I realized, not once have I taken any of this to God. I had not prayed about my leg pain except maybe to ask God why it wouldn't stop hurting. I had not prayed to God about my sleepless nights, except maybe to ask (yell) about why Missy can't seem to get herself straight and go to the bathroom before bed. I had been so focused on my pity party that I forgot about God.
God has the power to help us in all situations. But, we have to be willing to focus on what God can do and not what we can't.
This verse in Philippians makes of list of things to focus on. Things that are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and praiseworthy. Paul lays out this list to help the Philippians to live lives that are honorable to God. However, he could have more easily said,. "Focus on God." Verse 8 lists characteristics of God. God is honorable. God is excellent. God is lovely. God is praiseworthy. God is so much more than Paul or I could put into words.
Then verse nine goes on to say that in doing this and practicing God-honoring lives, that the God of Peace will be with us.
It is so tempting to throw pity parties. We want to wallow in our muck for a while. We want to see that other people care about our pain. It's ok to be upset about things in life that are hard. After all, when Jesus was confronted with a hard task he was upset. He asked God to take the task from him and give him something else to do. But, when God said no, Jesus didn't throw a pity party. He didn't cry and eat a carton of ice cream. He didn't binge watch Gilmore Girls. He accepte3d the father's decision, he got up and went about the task set before him. He focused on God.
I don't know what you are struggling with today that makes you want to throw a pity party. Perhaps you are struggling with a job you don't like, a child who won't listen, an employee that isn't working up to standards, or a house that never stays clean. Maybe you struggle with your own inner monologue. Whatever your place is where you want to sit and wallow in your pity, today let's chose to focus on God. Think on God. Think about how lovely God is. Think about how BIG God is. Think about how perfect God is. Think about how in control God is.
My leg doesn't feel perfect today, but I'm going to focus on the task before me and on the God who gave it to me. He works all things for the good of those who love him. And, friend, I do love him. I hope you can say that you do too.
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