When the Good Stuff is Scary

First of all, let me just say how sorry I am for the hiatus.  We have been in the process of moving and setting up our new house.  But, I'm so excited to be back with you.  A new home is an exciting thing.  However, exciting stuff can also be scary.  You face uncertainties that can be overwhelming.  Sometimes it's the things in life that will be the most fun and the most rewarding that we are the most terrified of.  We pump ourselves up and get psyched up.  I spent months hoping for the right house.  Looking at wrong house after wrong house.  Then we found it.  When our dreams begin to get into motion we may find ourselves paralyzed.  We might be flat out scared of what's happening.  But, that's not the heart that God has for you or me.  He wants us to live in power, love, and self-discipline.  Why then do we feel more comfortable living in fear?

My daughter and I went to the local playground for some fun in between a couple of errands that I needed to run.  She hasn't spent much time on playgrounds, but she has seen a fair amount of swings.  There was another little girl there and she was swinging back and forth, and giggling with enjoyment.  Dottie, with so much excitement, pointed and said, "swing."  She was determined.  She was confident.  She was ready to enjoy the swing.  We ran over to them, and she was still chanting, "Swing, swing, swing."  The moment of truth.  I bent down to pick her up, and all joy left her face.  I held her out to put her legs into the swing, and the screaming began.  I sat her down in the swing thinking that perhaps it would get better if she enjoyed the back and forward motion.  Not a chance.  Through tears and sobs, I could hear, "Down.  Mama.  Down."  I picked her up and we went back to climbing the stairs of the jungle gym. 

She was so close to enjoying the great thrill of a swing.  But, she just couldn't because she was so scared.  She is comfortable in my arms and within arms reach.  The swing is not on her list of safe places yet.  It feels scary and overwhelming.  She doesn't trust it yet. 

That's where real fear comes from.  It's a lack of trust.  When we worry or have fear in our hearts it's because we do trust the situation we are in.  It also means that we do not trust the ones in control of the situation we are in.  Since God is in control of all things, in a nutshell, we don't trust God. That hurts the heart a bit to hear, especially for someone like me that is often nervous about new adventures in my life.   

Some years ago, God put on my heart to be a writer and a speaker.  It was a beautiful dream.  But, to be honest I was somewhat of the mindset that a dream is all it would ever be.  Then, I started a blog.  Then I spoke at a couple of events.  Then I went to a writing and speaking conference.  This dream is becoming real, Y'all.  And, it scares me.  What if I deliver the wrong message?  What if I write the wrong things. What if I mess up, and cause other people to walk away from God? 

What if...

what if...

what if?

I think that when the good dreams and ideas of our lives start to be put into action, we get a bit scared.  When I became a mother I was terrified.  Being a mother to my little girl is one of the coolest things in the world.  That's real "Good Stuff" if I've ever seen it.  But, it's also hard.  It's in the hard moments of the good stuff that we get scared.  That's when we forget to trust God. 

In 2 Timothy 1:7 Paul explains to Timothy that a Christian need not be afraid because God has equipped us with Power, Love, and Self-discipline.  But, those characteristics come from the Holy Spirit dwelling in us.  We have to be willing to trust the Holy Spirit.  We have to be willing to trust God.  God only has plans to prosper us and not to harm us.  Check out Jeremiah 29:11

So, how do we learn to trust God so that we don't have to be scared of the good stuff, or the bad stuff for that matter?  We have to build a relationship with him.  We do that by getting into his word and really seeing what Jesus, and the Father, and the Holy Spirit really have to say to us. 

Matthew 6:33 says to seek God's kingdom first and then all these things will be added unto you.  When Jesus spoke those words he was referencing the physical things that we need to live and go about our days.  But, if we pair it with Paul's words to Timothy look how powerful it can be.

Seek the kingdom of God above all else and live righteously, and he will give you power, love, and self-discipline.  (Matthew 6:25 & 2 Timothy 1:7)  Focus on God and His work for you to do, and the good stuff won't seem so scary.
