Daddy Duty

So in all of my self exploration of having our first child I have learned a few things.  One is that the mommy thing is hard.  Check out my last post if you're curious.  Another thing I've learned is that the Daddy thing looks hard too and I'm sure that people do not give them enough credit for all that they do.

 So, yes the mommy job is hard.  I'm currently struggling with all of it myself.  However, Dads have a tough job too.  And even harder is the dad of a breastfed baby.  I had written in my journal about how lonely breastfeeding is.  And I still believe that to be true.  But, I can't imagine what it must be like to not be able to provide what your crying child needs.  I have my own issues with how I'm not able to provide for her, but at least I produce the goods she's looking for.

This post is a letter to Dads that might be struggling too.

Dear Dutiful Daddy,

We see you.  We know you are doing everything you can do.  We know you are tired too.  We see that the dishes get done while we're feeding.  We see that the pets are taken care of while we're feeding.  We are thankful for all of the dirty diapers that you have changed so that we might get a break.  We hear the songs you hum so that your child will settle down.

A lot of us can't imagine what it must be like to get in the car every day and drive away from your little one.  But, we see the joy on your face when you come home from work and take that little person in your arms.  After a hard day at work some of us would probably need an extra break, but you, you are ready for daddy duty.  Most of the sleep we've gotten has been because of you.

Thank you for the hot meals we've gotten to eat.  They are only possible because you are there to heat our food and then take the baby while we eat.

We're sorry for all the tears and raised voices.  Believe us, we are aware that since getting pregnant we have been emotional roller coasters.  But, you stuck out the hard times.  You're still sticking out the hard times and hormones are still raging and the tears are likely still flowing.  Thank you for the hot showers where we actually get to wash our hair.  We are allowed to be completely ourselves in there without feeling judged or overwhelmed because we know that our baby is taken care of because you are on Daddy Duty.

Thank you for listening as we cry about how hard this mommy thing is, even while you have your own hardships.  Thank you for reading and responding to our crazed text messages throughout the day about how we think we are horrible mothers and how we can't do this.  Thank you for the encouraging words as we fight against our worst critic; ourselves.  Thank you for caring enough about us to read between the lines and push us to get help when we are suffering from more than that baby blues.

Thank you doesn't seem like enough.  We also see the pain on your face when the baby won't stop crying because they are hungry and there is nothing you can do about it.  That hand off to mom must be difficult.  At this stage of the game mom is getting most of the attention, and some people may even be laughing at your attempt to take care of your child.  But, for us moms we see you.  We know your effort, and we are not laughing at you.  We are thankful (even if we don't always say it.)  We are overwhelmed by your willingness to step up and take care of any and everything.

With love,
Mommies of new babies

I just wanted to say thanks, not just to my wonderful husband but to all the dads out there that are stepping up and doing the hard work.  We see you, and see that being a daddy is not easy, and we thank you.
